Comment 0 for bug 805737

Revision history for this message
Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote : kernel-wedge not in build-dep for linux-meta

Hi, I was following advice from herton to build a custom Natty kernel; fakeroot debian/rules clean failed because I didn't have kernel-wedge installed - it wasn't in the build dependencies for some reason. Filing this bug on their advice :)

11:42 < lifeless> herton: sure; why isn't it in the build-deps from linux-meta ?
11:42 -!- jwi [~<email address hidden>] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:43 < herton> lifeless: no reason that I know, file a bug for it
11:45 < herton> the fdr clean is just needed if you are building the first time or changed something in debian.master which affects debian dir