Comment 40 for bug 1097178

Revision history for this message
penalvch (penalvch) wrote :


>"The above report is an FYI for anyone else enountering this issue,"

Launchpad is a development platform, not an FYI forum. If you want to help on Launchpad, file a bug report as already previously requested of you on multiple occasions. To do otherwise is unhelpful noise on a closed report.

>"...since this bug is the #1 hit that google currently provides for these error messages,"

This being a #1 hit on a search engine is irrelevant. Finding information that just repeats an error message one encounters doesn't help anyone in getting their bug resolved.

"and its the ONLY bug that provides real, actionable information on how to resolve the issue."

There is nothing actionable on this closed report, as it's not about you, your hardware, or your problem. If you want to provide real, actionable information, submit a commit upstream that addresses this problem. Anything else is just a hack, or WORKAROUND, that again, would need to be on a new report, as already fully detailed to you previously on multiple occasions.

"(i.e. simply marking this bug as invalid and telling everyone to take a flying leap"

I've never said that. Please stop making false accusations.

"...doesn't actually decrease the relevance of the bug report for real-world users)."

One wants to make a bug report on Launchpad, a development platform, relevant to developers (i.e. the people actually providing fixes). By not filing a bug report, you are further delaying developers from addressing your issue.

Thank you for your understanding.

Helpful bug reporting tips: