Comment 39 for bug 1097178

Revision history for this message
linas (linasvepstas) wrote :

Summary/wrap-up report: After above changes, the X server took 8 tries to come up, each time hanging when it went to paint the lightdm pane. Each try took about 3 minutes (almost 1/2 hour elapsed), after which some failsafe tries to restart X. Each try is corellated with the "failed to idle channel" messages and/or the DMA_PUSHER errors. The 8th time it suceeded; at which point I was able to log in and use X as normal. There have been no further X disruptions after that point: the problem, whatever it is, is transient. (I have not yet tried to watch any youtube videos, though...) BTW, the 5th attempt Xorg.5.log file is filled with dozens of "[mi] EQ overflowing. Additional events will be discarded" error messages, and dozens of corresponding stack traces. None of the other failed attempts have this.

Since this is the very latest linux kernel, and what appears to be the latest libdrm, I'll try to pursue this with the kernel devs directly. The above report is an FYI for anyone else enountering this issue, since this bug is the #1 hit that google currently provides for these error messages, and its the ONLY bug that provides real, actionable information on how to resolve the issue. (i.e. simply marking this bug as invalid and telling everyone to take a flying leap doesn't actually decrease the relevance of the bug report for real-world users).