Comment 14 for bug 364699

Revision history for this message
adriankoooo (adriankoooo) wrote :

And when I want to patch the latest version from, the 0.8.6 version -so it's look like it was already patched, but no, it is doesn't work.....

root@ubuntu:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.6/drivers/lirc_igorplugusb# patch -i pat lirc_igorplugusb.c
patching file lirc_igorplugusb.c
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] y
Hunk #2 FAILED at 268.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 296.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 326.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 352.
4 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file lirc_igorplugusb.c.rej