Comment 0 for bug 1357821

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elhoir (jfarroyo82) wrote : can use system with kernels newer than 1.13.x due to monitor resolution misfunction

i can use Linux 3.13.x kernel (im currently running 1.3.0-32 from Trusty while writing this). Once i upgraded to 1.14.x, and i couldnt use my PC. same symphtoms.

it seems that kernel does not get monitor resolution properly, but im not good at coding, so i cant say what the reason is...

Now, i have recently upgraded to Utopic, and i cant use 1.16.x kernels too.

I have 2 laptops, and this desktop PC

My laptops have an AMD Radeon HD 5143 and an AMD Radeon HD 8400 (integrated into an AMD A6-5200 CPU). Both are working correctly.

My desktop PC (the one that fails) uses an AMD Radeon HD6570 PCI-express, with an Intel Core i3-530

Each computer uses the new 7.4.0 ati driver, so open source driver is not the problem.