Comment 2 for bug 1993539

Revision history for this message
Michel NALLINO (mikenavy) wrote :


I found a workaround to this problem. I solved the problem by installing new packages:
"sudo apt install linux-modules-nvidia-390-5.15.0-56-generic"
- "390" is the main version of the Nvidia driver (390.157);
- "5.15.0-56-generic" is the name of the kernel ("uname -r" output).

This induced the installation of the following packages: “linux-modules-nvidia-390-5.15.0-56-generic”, “linux-objects-nvidia-390-5.15.0-56-generic”, “linux-signatures-nvidia-390-5.15.0-56-generic”.

LibreOffice now detects OpenCL; and clinfo output with 5.15.0-56 kernel shows GTX 560 M is detected as an OpenCL platform:
Number of platforms 1
  Platform Name NVIDIA CUDA
  Platform Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
  Platform Version OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 9.1.84
  Platform Profile FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer
  Platform Extensions function suffix NV

  Platform Name NVIDIA CUDA
Number of devices 1
  Device Name GeForce GTX 560M

See discussion on Linux Mint forum:
and on Nvidia developers forum:
