Comment 45 for bug 1892714

Revision history for this message
Vedran Rafaelic (croraf) wrote :

I installed the kernel from the link (linux-image-5.9.0-rc2+_5.9.0-rc2+-55_amd64.deb).

Booted with dmic_detect=0 (showed output device correctly as with other kernels, showed no input device)

Booted without dmic_detect=0 - freezes on the login or immediately after. I managed to see the Sound->input device and Sound->output device prior to freeze which were present and looking the same as in #23 (which was 5.4 without dmic_detect=0). From the appearance of log screen seems that intel graphics is used.

I tried 4-5 times cannot force it to stay unfrozen long enough to test sound or output dmesg.