Comment 20 for bug 1808389

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package linux-firmware - 1.175.3

linux-firmware (1.175.3) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * To add power setting bin file for SAR support (QCA6174) (LP: #1817817)
    - ath10k: QCA6174 hw3.0: update board-2.bin

  * iwlwifi Intel 8265 firmware crashing on lenovo x1 Gen 6 (LP: #1808389)
    - UBUNTU: revert most iwlwifi firmware back to versions from 1.173.3

linux-firmware (1.175.2) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * iwlwifi Intel 8265 firmware crashing on lenovo x1 Gen 6 (LP: #1808389)
    - iwlwifi: update firmwares for 7000, 8000 and 9000 series
    - iwlwifi: update firmwares for 8000 series

  * OS booting thrown with nouveau errors (LP: #1794055)
    - nvidia: add GV100 signed firmware

 -- Seth Forshee <email address hidden> Thu, 21 Mar 2019 15:29:33 -0500