Comment 125 for bug 134660

Revision history for this message
Neil Wallace (rowinggolfer) wrote : Re: [Bug 134660] Re: Ralink rt2400 / rt2500 / rt2570 / rt61 / rt73 do not work out of the box in Gut

Cushie wrote:
> Thanks Adam, I deleted the rt2500 files from Synaptic but the rt2500usb
> is still loaded when I plug the USB in, how do I completely remove them
> from the system, if that is necessary. (blacklist?)
> I could not find rt73 in Synaptic so I have downloaded an rt73 so will
> try installing that when I can delete the old driver.
> Could e.vacchi explain what API is and how to fix it, bearing in mind
> the 'live' cd and also a fresh install of Hardy-a6 has the same
> problem.
the rt2500 is a "module" which is loaded into the kernel at boot
time,they are roughly equivalent to "drivers" in windows.
you can find out which modules are currently loaded on your machine by
typing "lsmod" into a terminal

you can remove modules manually at any time using "rmmod" (as root).
example... to remove your rt2500 module.
$sudo rmmod rt2500

you can insert a module using "modprobe".
$sudo modprobe rt2500

As you allude to, it is possible to stop a module being used at any time
(including boot) by blacklisting it.
To do this you need to edit the blacklist file which lives in the folder
You can edit this with any text editor (gedit, nano etc...) , but need
root level permissions to commit your changes.

$sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

add these lines to the bottom of the file.

#Cushie added these lines on 11th March
#it is good practice to put in comments like this, and can save
headaches if you wish to renove your changes
#the loader will ignore any line with a hash sign at the start
#here comes the line you need
blacklist rt2500
#suggest you also blacklist the rt2500usb module
blacklist rt2500usb

now save and reboot.

good luck.

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