Comment 13 for bug 555525

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Paul Webster (pwebster) wrote :

After wrestling with this for a while I did the following, per Gerald's suggestion here or in another thread:
sudo apt-get remove likewise-open
sudo dpkg --purge likewise-open
sudo apt-get install likewise-open

I don't know whether it matters or not but I did use the domainjoin-cli instead of the gui this time. It worked. I got joined. I don't think it was the gui. I think there was an underlying setting that didn't get updated in likewise-open until I completely removed it and started over.

I can authenticate now on my domain BUT I cannot get in to GDM. It gives me an errror with two things, maybe related to ownership.
"Could not update ICEauthority file /home/likewise-open/MYDOMAIN/username/.ICEauthority
Problem configuring server (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)

Based on googling I think it is an ownership issue for these files. I have tried changing ownership. None of the posts I have seen are dealing with domain users, so that extra level of the domain in the username makes it a bit more complicated.

Any brilliant ideas?