Comment 1 for bug 262264

Revision history for this message
Lucian Mormogeac (mormogeacl) wrote :

Warning: Unknown pam configuration
The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the gnome-screensaver service.
Either this service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for
access), or it is using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with.
Please email Likewise technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or

Warning: Unknown pam configuration
The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the cron service. Either this
service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is
using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise
technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d.

Warning: Unknown pam configuration
The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the chfn service. Either this
service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is
using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise
technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d.

Error: Unknown pam configuration [code 0x00080035]

The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the login service. Either this
service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is
using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise
technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d.