Comment 0 for bug 966002

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Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote :

hi guys,

I've been using Tbird plus Lightning for years, very happy with it.
In this setup I have had 2 calendars:
- private. this is bound to my private email address. (private events)
- business. this is bound to my business email address. (business events)
When receiving invitations Lightning would usually ask what calendar the appointment needed to go in, sometimes it would not. I take it it decided by the mail address which is logical. Anyway, I could select the right calendar.

A couple of weeks ago I switched from local calendars to a private Sogo server using Caldav protocol. I now have 3 calendars:
- private. this is bound to my private email address
- business. this is bound to my business email address
- sales, this is bound to a 'sales@...' email address. I have no mailbox for this account in Tbird.
The sales calendar is used to dispatch work items to team members. Anyone can see the items in it, only I can change them. By inviting colleagues (and/or myself) to an event it pops up in their own calendar and they know when to appear at a customer's. This allows me to keep overview of the sales events and also keep my own calendars reasonably clean.
So far, so good.

Since a couple of day I've noticed that invitations and changes to existing events are not appearing in the correct calendars anymore. Whatever I do, they all land in the private calendar. I've tried modifying events from within Tbird / Lightning and from the Sogo web-interface (logging in under the sales-account).
Invitations and updates are correctly addressed, but still appear in the same, usually wrong, calendar.
Again: this goes for both new events as for existing ones that were booked correctly before. Change the date or time and the updated event appears in the wrong calendar.

The may, of course, be an issue server side, but since that server has been stable for about 2 months and Lightning has had updates recently, I suspect this is a bug in Lightning.

I'm running Oneiric amd64, updated daily.
If you need more information, please ask.
