Comment 10 for bug 803858

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Hadmut Danisch (hadmut) wrote :

I do require locale (and keyboard) settings at login time as well. And I do not really care what a „number of non-English users” do require, because if I would care then I'd be using Microsoft Windows.

The locale is an environment setting and thus should be set in general at login time (and not in the desktop settings, which is annoying).

BTW, moving the locale settings in the desktop is simply *wrong*, because it is too late. Script files like .xsession, .profile,... are run separately and not as child processes of the desktop. Thus, they do not inherit the language session.

It is, furthermore, wrong to assume that „the users language preference in known and can be easily set at the time an account is created” . What a nonsense. There are lot's of people changing their locales (including the Time Zone) depending on their work, their location, especially while travelling.

A major wrong assumption is that a user could always use english (or the same) settings, just because he is able to speak english. Plenty of programs, especially the office programs, change their behaviour (such as date/time/currency formats) depending on the locale settings, and programs like Open/LibreOffice simply cannot be used properly for doing work in german language without german locale settings, even if I usually prefer english settings, due to the lousy translations into german.

So the assumption, that a user would pick his preferred language at account creation time and then never changes it, is simply bullshit.

So I agree with Guido and have to stress hat Robert Ancell's assumptions are completely arbitrary and wrong.

@Robert Ancell: Where do you get this weird assumptions from? May I assume that you are a genuine english user and are not familiar with using different languages?

Ubuntu once was a stable and reliable distribution, but for about two years canonical/ubuntu has gone crazy and is worsening every new version of ubuntu with such silly assumptions and ideas. What a pity.

And, btw., no, I am not a chinese. I am german.