Comment 3 for bug 798509

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Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) wrote :

With today's daily-live (20110617, with ubiquity 2.7.9), this bug is revealed to be even more interesting. In summary, it appears that this occurs when ubiquity-dm has not run.

Unlike previous daily-lives for a while, 20110617 has a ubiquity-dm (graphical Try/Install and language selector menu screen) that works on my machines. When I allow ubiquity-dm to come up, and I press 2 or Enter on the ubiquity-dm screen, the X server is not terminated. When I click Try Ubuntu, I get a lightdm login screen (like I got on previous daily-lives without working ubiquity-dm), where I can also press 2 and Enter without problems. And after I log in, 2 and Enter continue to work properly in the ensuing login session.

However, if instead of allowing ubiquity-dm to come up, I press Spacebar when the keyboard and person icons appear at the bottom of the screen during boot, and select "Try Ubuntu without installing" in the resulting text-based boot menu, it boots directly to the lightdm login screen (as expected), and the 2 and Enter keys do cause the X server to terminate. This happens when they are pressed at the lightdm login screen, and also in a login session started from that login screen.

I have tested the above on both the virtual and physical machines. Testing in login sessions was done in just unity-2d on the VM, and in both unity-2d and 3D Unity on the Inspiron E1505, and in each case with both the alphanumeric 2 key and the alphanumeric Enter key (since I was already testing numerous permutations, I forewent testing with the numeric keypad's Enter key).

I'm not sure how specific, if at all, this behavior is to the new daily-live. If ubiquity-dm worked on previous Oneiric live CD's, I'd expect them to have that same behavior. (Does ubiquity-dm work for some people on previous, but recent, daily-lives?)