Comment 11 for bug 2052489

Revision history for this message
Mike Ferreira (mafoelffen) wrote (last edit ):

With 'apparmor=0' as a boot parameter, it boots in less than 1/3 the time, but still fails on bringing up LightDM in vtty7.

When I toggle to vtty-1 it, instead of the normal cursor, waititng on the DM (LightDM), was at the console login prompt.

'startx' brings up the DE.

So not bringing up the the DM at all. Let me check something...
mafoelffen@noble-mate-01:~$ journalctl -b -u lightdm --no-pager
Feb 06 06:58:17 noble-mate-01 systemd[1]: Starting lightdm.service - Light Display Manager...
Feb 06 06:58:17 noble-mate-01 lightdm[1243]: Seat type 'xlocal' is deprecated, use 'type=local' instead
Feb 06 06:58:17 noble-mate-01 systemd[1]: Started lightdm.service - Light Display Manager.
Feb 06 06:58:18 noble-mate-01 lightdm[1439]: pam_unix(lightdm-greeter:session): session opened for user lightdm(uid=112) by (uid=0)
Feb 06 06:58:18 noble-mate-01 lightdm[1439]: gkr-pam: couldn't unlock the login keyring.
Feb 06 06:58:18 noble-mate-01 lightdm[1439]: pam_env(lightdm-greeter:session): deprecated reading of user environment enabled
Doesn't it usually get that error if an autologin failed? Having to do with gnome-keyring-daemon.serrvice?

I don't see gnome-keyring-daemon.service there. Did that get replaced with something else?

GDM3 also uses the same keyring... Installing just to test.

I can see that might not work right either... Hmmm. Output from the end of that:
Creating config file /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults with new version
update-alternatives: using /etc/pam.d/gdm-smartcard-sssd-exclusive to provide /etc/pam.d/gdm-smartcar
d (gdm-smartcard) in auto mode
gdm.service is not active, cannot reload.
invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed.
Setting up gnome-control-center (1:46~alpha-2ubuntu2) ...
Processing triggers for rygel (0.42.5-1ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.38-3ubuntu1) ...
sudo systemctl restart gdm

Success. Reboot went to GDM3 and was able to login... Brought in gnome-sessions, whihc was okay except that the cursor was a big gray box instead of the arrow... Reset the cursor theme fixed it for the desktop, but not for GDM3. Installed oxygen cursor them and applied. Fixed it for GDM3...

Switched to Mate DE at GDM3 Login Manager, was success. Cursor theme was still the original...

But notice this:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
On reboot, fails to start LightDM and results in Black Screen. Narrowed down to LightDM.

Is that enough to go off of?