Comment 13 for bug 1667113

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

The suggestion was made to add a accountsservice file for it like:
echo -e "[User]\nSystemAccount=true" > /var/lib/AccountsService/users/libvirt-qemu

I agree this might be an option - and I might even be forced to take it at some point, but then I ask myself for how many extra Desktop envs/services would we make extra files if more are found.
Do we really want to make this a custom change in all those packages (and any else in the future who add system users).
- OR -
Wouldn't it make much much more sense to make accountsservice realize on non login shells as all other logins seem to do (e.g. sddm) and as itself did in the past (hidden-shells)?