Comment 9 for bug 1315898

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Josep Pujadas-Jubany (jpujades) wrote :

Tested with Lubuntu 14.04 (32 bit & 64 bit) up to date.

I think the interaction between light-locker, xfce4-power-manager and X is quite confusing.

I had to disable the screensaver for a notebook connected that plays music to an audio amplifier.

It was hard to disable it...

Finally I did:

1. Moved to the left (never) the screensaver buttons at light-locker-settings. Apply button.

This generated:


with this Exec line:

Exec=light-locker --lock-after-screensaver=0 --no-lock-on-suspend --no-late-locking

However, if I disable light-locker with light-locker-settings the Exec line has nothing


I think this is a bug, because in this case light-locker runs on my system (despite the Exec=) with its defaults.

~/.config/autostart/screensaver-settings-desktop is also generated. This file controls the X screensaver settings. The Exec line says:

Exec=xset s 0 dpms 0 0 0

So, the screensaver for the X will be disabled and dpms will not be applied for the screen (man xset).

2. Move to the left (never) the screensaver buttons (OnAC/Screen, OnBattery/Screen) at xfce4-power-manager-settings

If I don't make this second step, screensaver continues to working and the screen is also locked.