Comment 9 for bug 990314

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SM Programmer (sm-programmer) wrote :

To whom it may concern:

I was having the same problem with GNOMESS, and I think it can be solved by following this workaround.

WARNING: Before doing anything, please read these instructions. Only proceed until you understand what you'll do.

1. Install the latest version of *libzip* available. At the time of this writing, it was 4.

2. Determine the architecture of your computer. This can be done with the following command, if such information is available:

uname -i

3. Execute the following command:

cat /etc/*

This command lists the paths where shared libraries are stored.

4. Depending on your architecture, select one path and look for the file "", where the pound sign is the version number corresponding to the *libzip* version installed in step 1.

In my case, I found the file under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

5. Being in the directory where the shared library is, create a symlink named "" with the following command:

ln -s

Remember to replace the pound sign with the actual version installed.

6. Test the program that caused the fault. This is important, as it is possible the program expects methods from the library that are no longer available in the version being used.

BE CAUTIOUS WITH THIS STEP! If possible, use the program with copies of your work so that in case of failure, your work won't be lost.

7. If there's still the chance, inform the program developers about the fault and the need to switch to the newer versions of the library available in the repositories.

I hope this gets your problem solved.

P.S.: If this doesn't solve your problem, and a newer program is available, don't risk yourself and use it instead of trying to get the old one to work. Either that or use an older Ubuntu version.