Comment 14 for bug 63208

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

0ubuntu1.1 is a non maintainer upload revision and has not been used in any Ubuntu desktop upload, you can look at the changelog of the package if you want to know from where it's coming

compiz is working, what is not is the wnck integration when using the cube. Using the cube is only an option, not required. It's clear that lot of users wants to try new cool software and that having compiz available made people switch distro to try it. It's not clear that people want the cube effect integrated nicely with the desktop switcher enough to install a new distribution though, especially than compiz and works fine on the GNOME desktop when you don't use the cube on feisty.

anyway enough discussion on the topic, I think everybody agree we should fix integration problems and we are going to do that for gutsy!