Comment 2 for bug 1468848

Revision history for this message
Paulo Assis (pj-assis) wrote :

Available controls in libwebcam depend on whether the hardware supports them or not.

If this was supported before then I think it may be an extension control and udev is not executing the uvcdynctrl script properly.
This script is responsible for loading extension controls into the uvc driver.
I already have a report on udev 220 failing to run it, it seems the ID_VENDOR_ID variable is not defined.

manually loading the controls seems to work:
uvcdynctrl -d /dev/video0 --addctrl=vid:pid <-replace vid and pid by the actual values for your device (e.g: 046d:0990)

In any case 15.04 I think is running 219 and I have no reports on that version.
