Comment 15 for bug 996840

Revision history for this message
Soren Hansen (soren) wrote :

tl;dr: Don't please don't close this bug right now. There's still work to do.

13:52 < ttx> soren: could you comment on the right way to fix ?
13:52 < uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 996840 in libvirt "Libvirt error when trying to mount ISCSI volumes" [Medium,Confirmed]
14:01 < danpb> ttx: it is a combination of a QEMU and libvirt issue
14:01 < ttx> danpb: right.. nothing to fix in Nova there, right ?
14:02 <+soren> ttx: Will do.
14:02 < ttx> soren: if it's a combination of a QEMU and libvirt issue, just redirect the bug to the corresponding packages and invalidate the nova task
14:04 <+soren> danpb: Well, it works when usingn attach-disk in virsh.
14:05 <+soren> danpb: So clearly there's a way to make it work with the same versions of libvirt and qemu.
14:06 <+soren> ttx: Don't close the nova bug. There's still work to do here. At the very least, we should rip out the virsh call as soon as we can. This bug would help us track that.
14:06 < ttx> ok, just add a comment so that nobody closes it. It's bugsquashing day so the temptation is high
14:06 < ttx> soren: ^
14:07 * soren adds another comment.