Comment 13 for bug 691609

Revision history for this message
Rajkumar S (rajkumars) wrote :


Installed uml-utilities and started the guest using the following command:

virsh start a1.6-q2

But get the same error as before "No Bootable Disk", the guest does not start.

btw, the current kvm command line is:

/usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.12 -enable-kvm -m 256 -smp 1
-name a1.6-q2 -uuid 9f58079c-057f-5726-4daa-3d30888d7bbe -chardev socket,id=moni
tor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/a1.6-q2.monitor,server,nowait -monitor chardev:mo
nitor -localtime -boot c -drive file=/var/kvm/a1.6-q2.img,if=ide,index=0,boot=on
,format=raw -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:13:34:42,vlan=0,name=nic.0 -net tap,fd=42,
vlan=0,name=tap.0 -chardev pty,id=serial0 -serial chardev:serial0 -parallel none
 -usb -vnc -vga cirrus

thanks and regards,
