Comment 0 for bug 2048529

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote : Do we need to keep libvirt-bin forever?

# History

In debian/1.2.10-1 7ca6a8a libvirt-bin was changed to be a transitional.

This will need to be retained until an LTS change happens so for Ubuntu this was kept and up until Xenial libvirt-bin was a package with content.
Then it followed Debian

Later in yakkety yak and later it got changed to be a transitional in 1.3.1-2
Since we'd need to wait for an Ubuntu LTS 1.3.3-2ubuntu1 kept libvirt-bin (the transitional) around this stayed another while.

Then post Bionic we dropped even that and libvirt-bin was no more (no package, no transitional, no nothing).

# Problem

This is kind of how transitions work, but now we've got a report that if people installed e.g. on Xenial and just `apt install libvirt-bin` to get virsh and other things back then. And upgrade through to e.g. focal or even later - they got the replacement packages like `libvirt-clients` removed (presumably as nothing depended on it anymore).


This history is a bit convoluted as the timing was so different due to waiting until after LTSes.
But we need to:
1. Install xenial, install libvirt-bin, do-release-upgrade through to Jammy, check if libvirt-clients is still around or not.
2. if not, then this is a bug and we need to find how to avoid.

Potentially this is needed in all >Bionic and need to retain the libvirt-bin transitional forever? This feels so worng, with a deeper look I hope we can find what is actually going on and find a better solution.

P.S. original reporter is Mmike on #ubuntu-server in IRC