Comment 7 for bug 1951903

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

I'm happy that you are fine with it Patrick, but I want it resolve now.

While sleeping about that I think I found what is missing/broken and needs evaluation.
As I said the libvirt group was considered insecure and therefore the new group add is different.
But on upgrade to Bionic that should have been adapted and that didn't happen.
There I need to check if this needs a fixup.

    # For upgrades that still have the insecure libvirt group (too much privileges)
    if [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions -- "$2" le-nl "4.0.0-1ubuntu5~"; then
        if [ "$(id -r -g -n libvirt-dnsmasq)" == "libvirt" ]; then
            echo "assigning libvirt-dnsmasq a less privileged group (libvirt->libvirt-dnsmasq)"
            usermod libvirt-dnsmasq -g libvirt-dnsmasq

We need to debug why this failed (probably because the PKG split libvirt-bin into libvirt-* makes this not having a prior version) and fix it up to avoid the issue.