Comment 0 for bug 1890858

Revision history for this message
Mike Salvatore (mikesalvatore) wrote :

On some focal 20.04 systems, users are seeing "QEMU/KVM - Not Connected" when they attempt to use virt-manager to manage virtual machines. AppArmor denials like the following are seen in the logs:

sudo grep libvirt /var/log/syslog | grep -i apparmor | grep -i denied
Jun 28 14:53:27 koromicha kernel: [ 334.660844] audit: type=1400 audit(1593345207.778:951): apparmor="DENIED" operation="bind" profile="libvirtd" pid=12254 comm="libvirtd" family="unix" sock_type="dgram" protocol=0 requested_mask="bind" denied_mask="bind" addr="@userdb-6228daaaf66b14dfd14d93ef46d962c3"
Jun 28 14:54:19 koromicha kernel: [ 386.034970] audit: type=1400 audit(1593345259.145:952): apparmor="DENIED" operation="bind" profile="libvirtd" pid=14311 comm="libvirtd" family="unix" sock_type="dgram" protocol=0 requested_mask="bind" denied_mask="bind" addr="@userdb-c861507740da1fa0c3356ad3b78bffe9"
Jun 28 15:02:30 koromicha kernel: [ 877.339057] audit: type=1400 audit(1593345750.437:968): apparmor="DENIED" operation="bind" profile="libvirtd" pid=16175 comm="libvirtd" family="unix" sock_type="dgram" protocol=0 requested_mask="bind" denied_mask="bind" addr="@userdb-7d70643a9f8da0342f6359907817b664"

Users have reported that the "solution" is to disable the AppArmor profile. More details, screenshots, etc. can be found here: