Comment 0 for bug 1784001

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Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote : Libvert changes ownership (user/group) of my ISO images

Libvirt should NOT be modifying ownership of my ISO images when mounting them to install a KVM instance. This causes issues later when I use zsync to update the images from the latest bits at cdimages.u.c. More importantly, my files should not arbitrarily be stolen from me when they're used BY ME. Period.

-rw------- 1 bladernr bladernr 813694976 Apr 11 08:14 bionic-live-server-amd64.iso
-rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 754974720 Jul 17 07:09 bionic-server-amd64.iso

One of these I used to install a KVM instance. Now when I run my zsync scripts to update the ISOs, zsync cannot update bionic-server-amd64.iso because I no longer own MY OWN FILE.

I'm filing this because the other bug I found for this is nearly 10 years old and apparently still not fixed.

And I don't agree that the workaround of making libvert use root/root as the user/group is appropriate either.

put simply, when I use my own ISO files to deploy my own KVM instances as my own user, my files should NOT be taken away from me and given to a system user account, period.