Comment 13 for bug 1764668

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Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

12:35 <rbasak> cpaelzer: on bug 1764668
12:35 <ubottu> bug 1764668 in libvirt (Ubuntu Artful) "guest cleanup script fails to iterate" [Undecided,Confirmed]
12:35 <rbasak> cpaelzer: is it possible that some users have guests that fail to shut down in production? In that case, what will happen to them after this SRU?
12:36 <rbasak> eg. will the host now not shut down, or they'll have to wait for a timeout and then it will?
12:37 <cpaelzer> rbasak: hiho
12:39 <cpaelzer> rbasak: this is a two stage thing
12:40 <cpaelzer> rbasak: let me explain ...
12:41 <cpaelzer> before 1.3.1-1ubuntu10.21 there were cases where it could hang on shutdown
12:41 <cpaelzer> this was fixed and good in that regard, but the fix introduced another issue which was missed
12:41 <cpaelzer> so the new case is that all guests get a shutdown signal now, but it immediately detects them as shut down and goes on with the systems shutdown
12:42 <cpaelzer> the latter is fixed by the current SRU
12:42 <cpaelzer> so currently people might have guests that shut down but too fast go on and shut down the full system
12:42 <cpaelzer> with the fix it will wait up to timeout (as defined in the config)
12:43 <cpaelzer> it will not exceed that timeout and hang (as before the last SRU)
12:43 <cpaelzer> but it will also not go on too fast
12:43 <cpaelzer> rbasak: did the above eplxain what you wanted to know?
12:43 <rbasak> Yes, thanks. The case I had in mind can't happen because of the timeout.