Comment 25 for bug 1694159

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Interrupt on the kimchi Discussion from the Mail thread - quoting Frederic who uploaded what we have atm.

"Hi Christian,
I mainly worked on packaging kimchi/ginger and the other ones after the
project split the source in other components (wok, ginger-base in
addition to kimchi and ginger) so I'm not part of the
development team and I then transfered that knowledge to a member of the
kimchi team who was supposed to pursue the packaging for kimchi 2 but
that packaging effort was discontinued as stated in the last comments of
those debian ITP bugs : 847102 847105 847108 772823 775747 846595 846598
Last update for Ubuntu was in the PPA :
before Lucio Correia announced the end of the packaging effort.

I feel like the project is not [very] active anymore :

Several people asked me questions about the .deb etc and I had no
other answer than "no support from upstream anymore, no news either".
So I guess removing may be the only solution. It would be nice to have
some feedback from upstream before that though."

That is another +0.75 to remove it.
Waiting a bit more if others chime in.