Comment 8 for bug 1382046

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

Upstart can support all of this. The difficulty is in shipping packages that understand and implement the dependencies correctly by default, when that depends on how the system is configured locally.

Set it up one way round and it'll break some other user who is doing it backwards (I don't know - maybe serving LDAP from within a VM or something). It's difficult to consider all use cases when focusing on just one like this.

So the workaround is: configure services in /etc/init/ to start the right way round to match your local configuration.

If there's an obvious startup ordering that we can implement, that will work for users in a default configuration, and the most common non-default configurations, then we can do that. But we need to be careful to not break any of these people.

Otherwise, it'll continue to be necessary for users to configure their own service startup dependencies as they make changes to their local configurations. I understand that this is undesirable for something like LDAP though (since configuring an LDAP client would ideally be a single thing without concern for every other service that might need it).