Comment 17 for bug 1029889

Revision history for this message
Lewdmole (493pocbrcycmdw7yksonho9o2qzzq06652mtv6nw767dautd9im529ah6j-admin-d18ecat4t1b76tkfi3vttrkfngli4hci2jxl2sxy9j3h0x9j9k8q3kmsgv) wrote :

1. Posted the SHA1SUMS
2. Server1 (problematic server) - I have tried again to install different VMs via vmbuilder all finished installation successfully but hanged on startup (via virsh) taking 100% cpu - I am pretty sure the VMs are not booting as there is nothing in boot log on LV of particular VM when mounted.
3. Server2 with exact setup runs other VMs with no problem. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is in update procedure as this server have been through kernel updates 3.2.0-26 and 3.2.0-27.
Server1 has been updated directly to 3.2.0-27. (both via apt-get dist-upgrade)
4. The question is how can i trace what is happening when i start the problematic VM via virsh (e.g. start vm4) This could help to find out what causes the boot problem.
5. The problematic server running other (previously installed before kvm and kernel updates) VMs without problem just can not create another VMs which sucks...