Comment 1 for bug 1374553

Revision history for this message
Oliver Grawert (ogra) wrote :

the issue here is that the /var/lib/usermetrics directory does not exist anymore.
with the switch to using a hardcoded /etc/passwd|group|shadow on the image in livecd-rootfs we have the users existing in the password db ...

usermetricsservice uses the following postinst script:
if ! getent passwd usermetrics >/dev/null; then
        adduser --system --ingroup usermetrics --home /var/lib/usermetrics usermetrics
        usermod -c "User Metrics" usermetrics
        usermod -d "/var/lib/usermetrics" usermetrics
        usermod -g "usermetrics" usermetrics
        usermod -s "/bin/false" usermetrics
here the adduser line creates the /var/lib/usermetrics directory, but since the user exists already in the database the "if" will never be executed ... i assume this needs to be fixed in livecd-rootfs since this is teh place where we broke it :)