Comment 1 for bug 1030335

Revision history for this message
Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

* debian/rules:
# Disable tests as they don't work for some reason
Can you please check why they are not working? I would love packages in main getting upstream tests running when we have some, if possible (or in the QA DC if it needs the full environment).

Bonus point if you override dh_install with --fail-missing but that's not a requirement :)

You need to use --with gir right now to have the dep automagic detection of the gir package. We are discussing with seb about having that run by default, but for now, please, add it.

* debian/copyright:
in the LGPL2.1+ and GPL3+ stenzas, there are a missing space before Comment: (this can break the hopefully coming automagic parser)
This file is listing the sources and not the binary, consequently all licences should be listed separately. In that case, there are some LGPL2+ files and LGPL2.1+ files. Please separate them in debian/copyright.
COPYING is LPGL2+ anyway. So the LGPL2.1+ requirement isn't met. I checked with upstream about it and will submit a patch (everything will be LPGL2.1+, so prepare for that change)

I stopped checking that file and will check again after next submission, so maybe there are other dragons here ;)

* debian/libsecret-1-dev.install:
Any reason to ship the static library?

* debian/control:
libsecret-1-0 and libsecret-common have exactly the same short and long description. They should be different for apt-cache to be able to search and differentiate them.
the long description of gir1.2-secret-1 is the same than the one from libsecret-1-0 and
libsecret-1-dev will be able to be arch:all (but that's not compulsory) if you remove the .a

The code looks good IMHO, but I prefer the security team to give another look meanwhile.