Comment 5 for bug 155955

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scarboni888 (scarboni888) wrote :

I have also experienced lbreakout2 pausing game play for no apparent reason. For me, however, the window did not 'restore' - it stayed fullscreen as I had set it. The frequency of erroneous pausing was not steady; sometimes I could play for 20 minutes & nothing - sometimes it would pause twice in as many minutes.

That was in Feisty.

Now that I've upgraded to Gutsy I am unable to get the thing to go fullscreen. When commanding it to go fullscreen it just centers itself on the screen blanking out my desktop. I have tried reverting back to ati from fglrx (8.37.6) but this did not change the behavior.

I don't know if the pausing problem still exists or not since the game is virtually unplayable for me unless I have it full screen.

Also this same phenomenon of not being able to change to fullscreen is happening to lMarbles (or just simply 'marbles' as it is listed in Add/ Remove) so maybe that's a clue? I've flagged this thread for email updates so if anyone would need to see any of my configuration and/or files don't hesitate to ask.