Comment 23 for bug 782406

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Leo H (leo-h-hildebrandt) wrote :

@ Gretha

I was searching for reports on LibreOffice Writer Compare Document, because mostly it doesn't seem to work. Your submission hits the nail right on the head in my experience:

I start with an .odt document (saved as version 1) with just the following text (without the quotes):

"LibreOffice Writer. Compare Document."

I then modify it just by inserting a space at the start and a paragraph marker after the first period as follows (saved as version 2) (again without the quotes):

" LibreOffice Writer.
 Compare Document."

If I now compare versions 2 and 1, then I simply get version 1 inserted into version 2 (ie, everything double) and everything marked as changed.

CONCLUSION: Compare Document in LibreOffice Writer is completely clueless and completely useless.

And Gretha, as regards Christopher Penalver's responses, I really admire your perseverance. He is just stalling. He systematically evades the issue (see CONCLUSION). With all due respect, he is probably one of those technocrats who loves coding (and who might well be very good at it). But as so often in open source, real users and their needs are just seen as an ignorant meddling bunch and as a troublesome interfering nuisance.

Back to Microsoft Word, I guess (sorry).

Don't be discouraged!
