Comment 3 for bug 726529

Revision history for this message
Jani Monoses (jani) wrote :

gcc 4.5 generates the same code as in the assembly - or is it just gcc-4.5 linaro on natty?
Even better it adds a dmb instruction which the asm block is missing, causing it to not be SMP safe.

Code generated by default gcc 4.5 on natty.

   a: f04f 0201 mov.w r2, #1
   e: f3bf 8f5f dmb sy
  12: e853 1f00 ldrex r1, [r3]
  16: 4411 add r1, r2
  18: e843 1000 strex r0, r1, [r3]
  1c: f090 0f00 teq r0, #0
  20: d1f7 bne.n 12 <a+0x12>