Comment 3 for bug 1799001

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote :

When the files hit my mirror, i installed

guiverc@dx6120lu:~$ dpkg -l |grep libreoffice |grep "1.1"
ii libreoffice-common 1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 all office productivity suite -- arch-independent files
ii libreoffice-java-common 1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 all office productivity suite -- arch-independent Java support files
ii libreoffice-style-breeze 1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 all office productivity suite -- Breeze symbol style
ii libreoffice-style-colibre 1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 all office productivity suite -- colibre symbol style
ii libreoffice-style-tango 1:6.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 all office productivity suite -- Tango symbol style

after which I logged out & back in. I then re-tested libreoffice...

Simon, I'm not sure what the issue was (and I'm no good with aesthetics), but I SEE NO CHANGE.

When this lp.bug hit my inbox I looked for what your issue was, and the only thing I saw was black boxes kept being drawn when you hovered over buttons, eg. if I went into print-preview, if you move the mouse over 'close preview' a dark box starts flashing slightly-low-left over the close-preview button and makes it hard to read. I assumed this was what this bug was about, as it occurs elsewhere too. This 'flaw' (or issue) appears to have not been altered.

I could be complete wrong - feel free [as always] to ping me (irc, etc). I saw no adverse effects, but it didn't fix what I hoped it would (which could be a different thing...) ps: if what I've described is something else & needs a lp.bug raised - just tell me.