Comment 35 for bug 1729433

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In , Jeff Fortin Tam (kiddo) wrote :

This bites me almost daily because whenever I open Calc by opening a document, and it opens maximized, and I un-maximize the window (Super+downarrow key in GNOME), it ends up becoming a 1x1 pixels (or something like that) micro window that is barely noticeable.

Non-technical users (like many people in my extended family, who don't know the keyboard shortcuts to un/maximimize) would be pretty flustered by that and will end up with a "broken" app practically speaking.

> SetMinOutputSizePixel sets the minimum size below which a window cannot be shrunk, which is probably not whats wanted.

Actually that's exactly what I would want, at least as the fallback for undefined states where the app can't figure out what the appropriate default size would be. Make it enforce a hard minimum of 600x400 at the very least.

Why would anyone ever want to have a LibreOffice Calc/Writer/etc. main window sized anywhere smaller than 640x480 pixels? It seems to me that it could safely be assumed to be the absolute minimum to which a main app window can no longer be shrunk, because it's no longer usable below that size (even the toolbars would eat half of the height). Even phones these days have at least 720px in one dimension or the other, and no VGA output that I know shrinks below 640x480 even in disaster scenarios.