Comment 21 for bug 1389858

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Manuel Iglesias Alonso (glesialo) wrote :

@Björn Michaelsen: I am reddit OP. I think that distinguishing sorting behaviour by '(not)adjusting references' is prone to confusion (more below). I prefer to use 'old' or 'new' style LibreOffice sorting. 'old' meaning the standard sorting behaviour in all spreadsheet software and LibreOffice up to version 4.2.x.

For me (see #14 above) sorting is a tool that allows me to do painlessly what I could do 'manually' by, laboriously, inserting/removing, cutting and pasting rows. Seen in that light the 'old' sorting style is also the logical one: When I cut and then paste (to a different position) a row of cells the formulae which do not use absolute references are automatically adjusted (i.e. a reference to the cell to the left is maintained) and, therefore, there is no need for more adjusting after (manual) sorting.