Comment 0 for bug 1022912

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Wolfgang Zukrigl (wolfgang-zukrigl) wrote :

How to reproduce the bug:
Insert a picture (for example with Menue Insert > Picture > From File
Right Click on the picture and select “Caption” and enter some text (for example "Example picture one"). You get a footline to the picture wich says “Illustration 1: Example picture one”.
Repeat this for a second picture.
Now try to add a cross-reference to one of the pictures: Place the cursor on some free text-writing-area. Then menue Insert > Cross-reference. In the Type field select “Illustration”. In the Selection field, the shown choices are not “Illustration 1” and “Illustration 2” but “llustration 1” and “llustration 2”. The first letter is missing. ...see screenshot

This really turns into a problem, when I work with my own number-variables:
In some text-area try:
Select Menue Insert > Fields > Other, change to tab Variables. As Type select “Number range”. Note that the above used “Illustration” is also such a number range”. In the Name field type “Example” and push the button Insert. In another Paragraph add also some of these Example-Number-Range-variables. You get the numbers “1”, “2” and so on ...see second screenshot.
Now try to make Cross-References to these numbers:
Put the Cursor in another free text-writing-area and choose from the menu Insert>Cross-reference. As Type choose “Example”. The Selection-Aea remains empty. Expected behaviour: In the Selection Area the Numers 1, 2, and so on appear and can be selected.

My Ubuntu-Version. 12.04, I am using gnome-shell