Comment 2 for bug 684878

Revision history for this message
Alex Stevens (alex-stevens) wrote :

It seems that header redirection is amiss in these packages. For example:
FramedSource.hh includes "Netcommon.h", but Netcommon.h lives in the folder groupsock, which is in the directory above liveMedia.

I've found that a quick and dirty fix is to edit the section in /usr/include/liveMedia/FramedSource.hh from
#includes "Netcommon.h"
#includes <groupsock/Netcommon.h>
This method also works with editing the next million header redirection errors that surface.

Although, after editing the header files and then linking to the live555 libraries (-lliveMedia -lgroupsock -lUsageEnvironment -lBasicUsageEnvironment), the compiler spams out undefined reference errors, like:
undefined reference to `BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(TaskScheduler&)'
undefined reference to `chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(UsageEnvironment&)'
undefined reference to `Port::Port(unsigned short)'
... And so forth and so forth.

Yet, libliveMedia.a, libgroupsock.a, etc. all live within /usr/lib

This has me completely baffled.