Comment 80 for bug 1746740

Revision history for this message
In , Scv-ekinoks-d (scv-ekinoks-d) wrote :


I have the same probleme here with my XPS L322X.
Where is the result of touchpad-pressure:

ekinoks@XPS-L322X: sudo libinput measure touchpad-pressure
Using CyPS/2 Cypress Trackpad: /dev/input/event6

Ready for recoding data.
Pressure range used: 25:30
Palm pressure range used: 130
Place a single finger on the touch to measure pressure values.
Ctrl+C to exit

Sequence 2397 pressure: min: 56 max: 159 avg: 101 median 100 tags: down palm
Sequence 2398 pressure: min: 57 max: 154 avg: 111 median 116 tags: down palm
Sequence 2399 pressure: min: 55 max: 146 avg: 101 median 101 tags: down palm
Sequence 2400 pressure: min: 18 max: 117 avg: 72 median 71 tags: down
Sequence 2401 pressure: min: 39 max: 130 avg: 102 median 102 tags: down

I think it's because of "down palm" that the mouse freezes.