Comment 17 for bug 1980662

Revision history for this message
Mark Esler (eslerm) wrote :

I reviewed libmldbm-perl 2.05-3 as checked into kinetic. This shouldn't be
considered a full audit but rather a quick gauge of maintainability.

> MLDBM store multi-level Perl hash structure in single level tied hash

- CVE History:
  - ancient leak circa 1999
- Build-Depends?
  - Data::Dumper perl module 2.08
    - 2.08 is a very old version
    - some Data:Dumper updates are security related
    - nb: package also provides MLDBM::Serializer::Data::Dumper
- pre/post inst/rm scripts?
  - none
- init scripts?
  - none
- systemd units?
  - none
- dbus services?
  - none
- setuid binaries?
  - none
- binaries in PATH?
- sudo fragments?
  - none
- polkit files?
  - none
- udev rules?
  - none
- unit tests / autopkgtests?
  - has build tests and autopkgtests
- cron jobs?
  - none
- Build logs:
  - looks clean

- Processes spawned?
  - concerning eval in ./lib/MLDBM/Serializer/Data/
    - values missing a magic key string are returned before eval +1
- Memory management?
  - none
- File IO?
  - none, besides build
- Logging?
  - yes, via carp
- Environment variable usage?
  - none
- Use of privileged functions?
  - none
- Use of cryptography / random number sources etc?
  - none
- Use of temp files?
  - none
- Use of networking?
  - none
- Use of WebKit?
  - none
- Use of PolicyKit?
  - none

- Any significant cppcheck results?
  - none / not applicable
- Any significant Coverity results?
  - none / not applicable
- Any significant shellcheck results?
  - none / not applicable
- Any significant bandit results?
  - none / not applicable
- Any significant perlcritic?
  - none

Code is possibly unmaintained. Code was written 10 years ago. A travis file was
added 8 years ago. There has never been an issue or pull request on GitHub.

See Warnings section of mldbm(3)

Security team ACK for promoting libmldbm-perl to main.