Comment 1 for bug 2037405

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

[16:39] <mirespace> that's three can be on hold
[16:39] <cpaelzer> or mirespace are you telling me this will be even less?
[16:39] <cpaelzer> on hold because we should be waiting for that dependency changes you mentioned?
[16:39] <mirespace> all the 11 dependencies that I narrowed for dmarc are already reviewed, except the ppal libmail-dmarc-perl itself
[16:40] <mirespace> yes
[16:40] <cpaelzer> ok
[16:40] <cpaelzer> I'll mark them incomplete for now based on that
[16:40] <cpaelzer> that removes them from the list until you'd change that