Comment 4 for bug 624322

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

 * I filed bug 639726 about an issue with debian/copyright, preventing it from being machine-readable, though it is still human-readable.
 * A debian/watch file would be nice (is there really no Homepage or upstream tarballs? Just the svn link in debian/copyright?)
 * Building it gave a warning about the symbols file, that the following should be added to the file (if appropriate):
+ _ZN10DebconfKde10DebconfGui10closeEventEP11QCloseEvent@Base 0.1~svn1167939-0ubuntu2
 * lintian on the built deb packages gives:
E: libdebconf-kde0: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZN10DebconfKde10DebconfGui10closeEventEP11QCloseEvent@Base
W: libdebconf-kde0: symbols-file-contains-debian-revision on symbol _ZN10DebconfKde10DebconfGui11deactivatedEv@Base and 15 others
W: libdebconf-kde-dev: wrong-section-according-to-package-name libdebconf-kde-dev => libdevel
 * It would be nice to get this into Debian, eh? Is that in the cards?

I've marked this as Fix Released, since it was pre-promoted.