Comment 39 for bug 2003259

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Figueiredo Zaiden (rodrigo-zaiden) wrote :

I reviewed cups-browsed 2.0~b4-0ubuntu2 as checked into lunar.
This shouldn't be considered a full audit but rather a quick gauge of

cups-browsed is a a helper daemon to browse the network for remote CUPS
queues and IPP network printers and automatically create local queues
pointing to them. It used to be a binary in cups-filters source and was
now split into a new source.

- CVE History:
  - CVE history is applicable to cups-filter, and it is all good. The CVEs
    that existed were fixed.
- Build-Depends?
  - avahi, cups, dbus, glib2.0, openldap, pkgconf, poppler, zlib all in main
  - libppd, also targeted in the same MIR bug.
- pre/post inst/rm scripts?
  - preinst: runs dh_installdeb
  - prerm: runs dh_installsystemd dh_installdeb
  - postinst: runs dh_apparmor, dh_installdeb, dh_installsystemd and
    accepts a configure param to setup /var/ directories and add
    cups-browsed user.
  - postrm: runs dh_apparmor dh_installdeb dh_installsystemd and accepts a
    purge param to remove the previously setup /var/ directories and remove
    the cups-browsed user.
- init scripts?
  - NA
- systemd units?
  - starts the daemon /usr/sbin/cups-browsed
- dbus services?
  - NA
- setuid binaries?
  - NA
- binaries in PATH?
  - cups-browsed: ./usr/sbin/cups-browsed
  - cups-browsed-tests: ./usr/bin/
- sudo fragments?
  - NA
- polkit files?
  - NA
- udev rules?
  - NA
- unit tests / autopkgtests?
  - Tests are defined in the script cups-browsed-2.0~b4/test/,
  that seems to do a good job in creating the test setup. it gives the
  chance to make different types of tests. This is the script that runs in
  the autopkgtests.
- cron jobs?
  - NA
- Build logs:
  - build log is clean, there is an information about the tests being
    executed in the autopkgtest and not during the build, due to the
    need of avahi-daemon in the build chroot.
  - Lintian throws the following Errors and Warnings.
      E: cups-browsed: depends-on-obsolete-package Depends: lsb-base
      E: cups-browsed: maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser "adduser --system --ingroup lpadmin cups-browsed" [postinst:8]
      W: cups-browsed: debian-news-entry-has-unknown-version 2.0~b1-0ubuntu1 [usr/share/doc/cups-browsed/NEWS.Debian.gz:1]
      W: cups-browsed: maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser adduser (does not satisfy adduser) [postinst:8]
      W: cups-browsed: mismatched-override executable-in-usr-lib usr/lib/cups/backend/implicitclass [usr/share/lintian/overrides/cups-browsed:4]
      W: cups-browsed: non-standard-executable-perm 0744 != 0755 [usr/lib/cups/backend/implicitclass]
      W: cups-browsed: wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog [usr/share/doc/cups-browsed/]
      W: cups-browsed-tests: no-manual-page [usr/bin/]
      W: cups-browsed-tests: script-with-language-extension [usr/bin/]
    Some seems OK, like the warnings for 'cups-browsed-tests', but the
    others could be checked better.

- Processes spawned?
  - No
- Memory management?
  - malloc's and calloc's are being checked, strcpy and sprintf seems fine
  - some coverity reports on memory management will be forwarded to upstream,
    nothing concerning.
- File IO?
  - All fine.
- Logging?
  - All fine.
- Environment variable usage?
  - OK, they are all used in a fixed sized variable, can't be abused
- Use of privileged functions?
  - No
- Use of cryptography / random number sources etc?
  - No
- Use of temp files?
  - No
- Use of networking?
  - uses http to connect to CUPS, seems fine.
- Use of WebKit?
  - No
- Use of PolicyKit?
  - NA

- Any significant cppcheck results?
  - No
- Any significant Coverity results?
  - Some worth checking, but they will be forwarded to upstream later.
    Most already exist in the current cups-filters source.
- Any significant shellcheck results?
  - No
- Any significant bandit results?
  - NA

cups-browsed code is pretty similar with the already existing code for
cups-browsed binary that lives inside cups-filter source package.
This cups-browsed source package is part of the split for the version 2.x
in the OpenPrinting project.

Security team ACK for promoting cups-browsed to main.