Comment 0 for bug 2003259

Revision history for this message
Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote :

This is a simplified MIR for the splitting of the cups-filters source package.

With the second generation (2.x) cups-filters upstream got split into 5 independent component repositories:

- libcupsfilters
- libppd
- cups-filters
- braille-printer-app
- cups-browsed


braille-printer-app still needs some upstream work for getting released, the others were already released as 2.0b2.

libcupsfilters, cups-filters, and cups-browsed contain mainly the code from the former cups-filters (1.x) which is already in Main. libppd contains code from CUPS (libcups and cups-ppdc) which is also in Main.

As of

If a new source package contains only code which is already in main (e.g. the result of a source package split or rename, or source packages with a version in the name), it may not need a full review. Submitting a MIR bug with an explanation (but without the full template) or updating/extending on the existing old MIR bug and re-opening it by setting it to "NEW" is sufficient.

This report does not need the full template.

The original packages (cups-filters and cups) are in Main already for more than a decade, so repetition of the original MIR would not be useful. cups was already in Ubuntu from the very beginning on and therefore probably in Main since the differentiation of Main and Universe got introduced.

The binary packages are named as before (except SONAME of libraries being 2 instead of 1 now), binary packages for libppd added. So current dependencies and seeding should pull in everything (libppd is a library and cups-filters depends on it).

libfontembed has been discontinued (folded into libcupsfilters, API removed) but no package uses it (except the components of cups-filters 1.x thenselves).

braille-printer-app will be added to this report (or a new simplified MIR report created) as soon as it gets released upstream. Its binary package(s) will need to get seeded.