Comment 13 for bug 693594

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Rioting_Pacifst (rioting-pacifist) wrote :

This bug has quite a few nasty symptoms (breaks suspend on SMP machines, etc) and I guess cgroups are going to get more popular as people try the "superpatch" so could we get one of the following into 12.04 please:

1)do not move all tasks into a default cgroup
comment CREATE_DEFAULT=yes out and uncomment CREATE_DEFAULT=no in /etc/default/cgconfig

2)putting the following in /etc/cgconfig.conf
group sysdefault {
    cpu {
        cpu.rt_runtime_us = 950000;

3) Add a rule so that [kthreadd] is never put in the default group

4) Changing startup script to not move ktreadadd

I think creating a superflous default group is stupid anyway so the first fix is by far the best.

Upstream have also release 0.38 but nothing in the changelog seems relevant.