Comment 25 for bug 419662

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BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明 (bluet) wrote :

Sorry for that I didn't noticed the fix is only released for Lucid ONLY.

I spend many time and money on promoting ubuntu in my contry, to normal users, schools, and even gov. And there're two big stock company is contacting us and hoping us to help them to replace their hunderds or even thousonds staff desktop which is running WindowsXP now, by Ubuntu.

And I can say, Any End-User who see a bug/crash report might be panic. Especially when the same bug/crash keep happening and scaring them. They'll challenge the stability and software quality ofon Ubuntu just because of these kind of _tiny_ bugs.

I, and I think not only me, wish the fix could backport to 9.10 soon...
The bug is already fixed and the bug-fixed version is already exist in Lucid, isn't it?
Backporting the fix saves Ubuntu, and helps people who's promoting ubuntu like me.
Thanks alot!