Comment 1 for bug 124125

Revision history for this message
Nic (ntetreau) wrote :

This issue is really problematic. In fact, it diesn't matter is one decides to enable laptop-mode on both the AC and the Battery or only on the Battery. What I mean is that if the latop is booted unplugged, laptop-mode won't start because it relies, as you said, on the unplugging event to be turned on. As you said you need to manually run this:

To use laptop-mode by default:


sudo gedit /etc/default/acpi-support

Scroll down change laptop-mode to true:



For some reason, laptop-mode is only started when the AC is unplugged. This might seem fine unless you bootup the laptop on the battery, in which case laptop-mode never gets started. Thus, to enable laptop-mode at boot (taken from a lost thread):


sudo update-rc.d laptop-mode multiuser

Couldn't laptop-mode be added to the init but still check is it is set to "true" in the /etc/default/acpi-support file? This way at least, when someone goes through the trouble of changing that file, laptop-mode will indeed be activated!
