Comment 6 for bug 713950

Revision history for this message
poloshiao (poloshiao) wrote :

This post was originally written by xenomorph0525 and was posted here:
I help translate it into English and post it to this bug report.

The file 69-language-selector-*.conf first appeared since Ubuntu 8.04 was issued. There were not any problem like Sans fonts becoming sqare characters when displayed chinese fonts before that time. It is owing to the way of mixing Chinese and English fonts in a file 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf that the sqare fonts came into being.

It is caused by 2 main facters that Sans fonts becoming sqare characters when displayed chinese fonts:
1. the way of mixing Chinese and English fonts in the file 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf
2. not in support of fallback function like the file 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf by some applications.

The problem should be resolved thoroughly only if removal of these two factors. In any case we have to remove the strings including Bitstream Vera、DejaVu from the file 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf so that other applications will not show abnormal Chinese fonts caused by the second factor.

After all it is so hard to control in advance how the programmers design their software. At least the first factor is under our master control among these two factors. Of course we should edit those programs with known bugs in the 2nd factor, beside the first factor, either.

It must not be one kind of good setting to mix Chinese fonts and English fonts in one setting file.
This would be regarded, by the users, as to be drawn back to normal setting ( not mixed Chinese and English fonts in one file) in case that the proposal to edit the file 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf was brought up when Ubnutu 8.04 had been releasing.

Maybe the reason why it is classified into not good solution by somebodies should be too late, after 2 years, to be brought forward to edit the setting. Nevertheless it is because of time point to shape the different impression. In fact it is still a suggestion of such kind of item as regressing back to normal setting.